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Why Choose An Electronic Cigarette?

An electronic or electric cigarette is quite possibly the safest way to take a puff. It allows the user to satisfy his cravings without letting in thousands of different chemicals, tar, tobacco and carcinogens into his system. And electronic cigarettes produce no smoke, just an almost-odorless vapor. So a smoker can sit in close proximity to non-smokers or even in a no-smoking room and use this device without fear of irritating others or being subject to dirty looks. The usual stained teeth, offensive odors and health risks that come from inhaling burning tobacco and tar are eliminated by using these devices. There are even reports of individuals who have used these devices to successfully cut down on their smoking and in some cases even kick the habit.

There are multiple reasons why a person should switch from a normal to an electric cigarette. Here are just some of them.

Safer: As mentioned before, these devices are safer. Since the user isn"t really smoking (because the device emits no smoke), smokers and people around them are protected from the side effects and various associated diseases that come from inhaling tobacco, tar and other carcinogens. This is especially important for people who may have children.

Cheaper: Each cartridge of an electric cigarette contains about as many puffs as nearly two packs of cigarettes. This makes it cheap, especially compared to the other option. And this is without even factoring in the number of clothes and books ruined when burning cigarettes and embers are accidentally dropped on them.

Cleaner: Unsightly yellow teeth and stained fingers, bad breath, an odor that clings to your clothes", these are just some of the things that can be eliminated once a smoker makes the switch. These devices allow the user to light up without fear of becoming a social outcast.

Better for the environment: Yes, an electric cigarette is better for the environment. For one thing, each cartridge lasts as long as nearly two packs of cigarettes, which means less littering and less boxes strewn about. It produces no smoke or smell and so does not pollute. And lastly, the batteries in these devices are usually chargeable.